It's been a hot minute since I blogged ...

January has been crazy busy with trainings, getting back into the swing of the school year, youth group, a toddler that has decided that diapers are optional, and trying to run two small businesses on top of it all.
But, here we are a month into 2021. How are you doing with you wellness goals?
Reality check? Most people QUIT by the second week. They have one bad day - one missed workout - one "cheat" meal and they decide that it's not worth continuing on. I get it. You won't see results in a short amount of time and sometimes you wonder if it's even worth it, right?
Here's my top three tips for staying on track.
Start Over.
Start over 100 times if you have to. Did you miss four days of your workout program because you were traveling? Start over. Did you throw your healthy diet in the trash and spend WAY too much time at Dunkin' Donuts? Start over. Perseverance WILL help you stay on track. Fight through your urges to quit because it got hard or because you didn't stick to your schedule. Day one could be today. Or tomorrow. Or next week. Just. Keep. Going.
Set Realistic Goals.
Was your goal this year to lose 10 pounds by February? Depending on your body composition, that may not even be possible! When it comes to health, our result often show over time. Don't put yourself on a timeline and give up if you don't achieve it by a certain day. And I'm not just talking about weight loss. If your goal was to eat healthier this year, don't expect to be able to give up cookies for the rest of your life if they are your favorite treat (psst. it's ok to enjoy food!). Reevaluate your goals and set realistic steps to get there.
Celebrate Small Steps.
Rather than setting vague goals like "I'm going to eat healthier", set small steps to get there. For example, maybe your goal this week will be to not drink soda. And then, after celebrating that accomplishment, your next week's goal will be to not drink soda AND work out three times. Creating habits takes time, so DO NOT EXPECT to be able to do it all at once.
If you need direction on healthy eating or exercise programs, please email me at
