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Why You Should Embrace Minimalism

Greta Terrill

This summer has been busy, but in the nooks and crannies of the day, I've been doing some serious cleaning and purging in our home.

I noticed a few years ago that clutter was starting to affect the mood in our home. The more clutter, the less happiness. I was too tired after work to want to clean, and just ignored it (like we literally had a room that was just a pile of stuff).

In 2018, we bought a house and began the process of moving. It was the most stressful process I've ever been through. We had so much STUFF that it seemed like no matter how many boxes we packed, we still needed more. In fact, I had to UNPACK boxes at our new house at a rapid pace in order to get more boxes.

Three years, two garage sales, and multiple trips to the thrift store (and dumpster), and we had accumulated even MORE. HOW?! So I made it my mission to declutter our entire house.

My biggest reason? When I left my job to work from home, I felt like I was CONSTANTLY cleaning the house instead of doing fun things with my kids. Enough was enough. We had planned a final garage sale for this summer and would donate anything that didn't sell. (Spoiler: The garage sale NEVER happened, so it all got donated!)

A secondary reason is that our family is currently praying about a major move. Last year, my MIL suffered a massive stroke (recovered amazing!), and this year has already had a pace maker and breast cancer to deal with. The draw to be closer to her while she is going through these medical challenges has been tempting. But, the thought of moving all our STUFF again keeps me firmly planted.

Here's a few reasons why you should consider minimalism:

Stuff will never make you happy. Plain and simple. You may get a temporary "high" when buying things, but it's never going to keep you happy. You'll always want new. You'll always want better. You'll always want an upgrade. You'll always want something more fashionable.

Clutter can trigger anxiety and depression. You ever wonder how hoarders' homes happen? Because the clutter and stuff become so great, depression sets in and they have no motivation to clean. Clutter can also trigger anxiety. The amount of "unrest" in your home will create "unrest" in your spirit.

You'll spend less time cleaning and more time creating. Imagine not having to spend a hour cleaning up toys at the end of the day and being able to spend that time taking a family bike ride. Or not having to do so much laundry, and being able to establish a creative hobby.

Stay Tuned: Tips for Going Minimal is coming soon ...


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