I try not to make a big deal about New Year's resolution. Honestly, I think they are a great way to declare changes in your life, but also a great way to feel like a failure when you don't succeed.

This year, I've made "general" resolutions and surrounded myself with people to keep me accountable to continue to pursue my goals.
1. Continue with mindful eating.
2. Continue with my workout program & start running again once winter is over.
3. Establish a full skincare routine (I only do nighttime skincare right now).
1. Start my morning every day with Jesus.
2. Stay connected with Christian friends in my area for encouragement.
3. Stay connected with my sisters in Christ all over the country through regular, virtual Bible study.
4. Bless people and love them like Jesus as much as possible.
1. Be an Area Manager for Arbonne by the end of the year.
2. Sell enough Forest + Myrrh products to donate $5,000 by the end of 2021.
3. Get my home organized & be more minimalistic.
4. Have less screen time.
What are your goals for the year?
